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Laryngitis in the child

Laryngitis in the child

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of laryngitis in children explained to laymen.

Stinging in the left chest

Stinging in the left chest

A stitch in the left chest can have very different causes. On the one hand, orthopedic and neurological diseases can lead to sharp pain, but involvement of the heart or lungs is also possible. The additional

Lymph node swelling from an allergy

Lymph node swelling from an allergy

Lymph node swelling often occurs with inflammations such as colds, but there are other, less common causes of lymph node swelling.

Phrenic nerve

Phrenic nerve

The phrenic nerve arises from the spinal cord segments C3-5 and is of enormous importance for breathing because it supplies the diaphragm, the most important respiratory muscle. Damage can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath or elevated diaphragm

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Caries on the wisdom tooth

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Fall in old age

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Acupuncture for back pain therapy

the naturopathic information portal. A lot of helpful information about the therapy of back pain with acupuncture explained in an understandable way.

Blind spot

Blind spot

Dr Gumpert. de, your anatomical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of blind spots is described in an understandable way.



The metatarsus consists of five metatarsal bones, which form various articulated connections to the adjacent bones. The metatarsus is used to adapt the foot to uneven ground and to maintain mobility. Common illnesses are

Postpartum courses

Postpartum courses

Midwives, hospitals, birthing centers and many other institutions offer a variety of courses for young parents. Some make a lot of sense, while some create panic.

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Circuit training

Circuit training

the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of circuit training clearly explained.....

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